10 reasons you're gonna love Netflix Dark
10. Beautiful locations
9. Music
8. Visual effects
7. Dark explains everything with solid logic
6. The plot twists
5. Originality
4. Cinematography
Similar to Stranger Things, Dark has also one the best cinematography we've ever seen in a series or a movie. From the stunning locations to the realistic visual effects, all help dark to shine in its true glory. The screenplay jumps from one time period to another and the change of the atmosphere is clearly visible. The costume designs of the colonial era, 1950s, 1980s and of the present time are quite accurate. The use of walkman, superhero magazines all give a nostalgic 80s vibe. The editing of the scenes are also up to the mark.
3. Screenplay
Dark follows one of the most complex and mind bending storyline to be ever shown in a series. The screenplay writers Baran bo Odar, Jantje Friese, David S. Goyer, Daphne Ferrao, Marc O Seng and Ronny Schalk truely deserve credit for that. It was clearly not an easy task to present the whole story such flawlessly and they did the best that could be done.From the complexity of time paradoxes to the deep secrets and desires of its character, Dark's screenplay keeps the audience on the edge throughout the whole seasons.