Movie review: Jojo Rabbit(2019)

Jojo Rabbit poster

Jojo Rabbit is a 2019 American comedy-drama film written and directed by Taika Waititi.This movie is based on a novel named 'Caging skies' by Christine Leunen. Jojo Rabbit uses humour and sarcasm to reflect on the idealism of Nazi party.

Plot and presentation:                                

  • Jojo Rabbit is shown from the perspective of Johannes Betzler(played by Roman Griffin Davis), who is a member of Nazi youth party. Jojo is a 10 year old boy who fantasises of being in Hitler's army and becoming his best friend. Adolf Hitler(played by Taika Waititi) is Jojo's imaginary friend and idol.
  • Jojo Rabbit is set in the Nazi Germany but it brings out the horrors of the holocaust in a less serious tone.From the beginning the movie shows the training and preparation for war of the young members. However Jojo is a Nazi wannabe but his softer side is revealed very soon during the training.
  • He is considered as weak and unable for war by the fellow members, so he is given relatively less important tasks.
  • As the story progresses the movie takes several turns. We discover that Jojo's mother was not originally a Nazi and she was hiding a jewish girl Elsa in her house.Later Jojo and Elsa are met and get to know each other. At first Jojo shows hatred and fear but later he starts romanticise about her. The relationship is shown in the movie beautifully.
  • Although the movie seems to be comedic and funny but it doesn't fail to deliver its message. Some disturbing visuals such as public hanging and the aftermath of war is also shown in the movie.  
  • The performance of every actors in the movie is up to the mark. Scarlett Johansson as Jojo's mother and Sam Rockwell as captain Klenzendorf have done wonderful job.
  • The comedic tone, the good storyline and good screenplay never make the movie boring. The ending is equally both good and emotional.


Jojo Rabbit is a good choice for a good laugh. Although it is pale in comparison to other holocaust movies such as Schindler's list or The pianist or Life is beautiful, Jojo Rabbit is good blend of humour and serious political ideas.The movie was also nominated for 6 oscars and won one.
The rating for Jojo Rabbit would be 8/10.