10 movies everyone should see at least once in their lifetime.

Do you wanna watch movies that are more than just 3 hour entertainment? So, here's a list for 10 movies that will stick with you for a long long time.Some of them may even change your perception towards life.Although these films require more attention than other casual films but there's no denying that you will be rewarded.

Note:-The list is ranked on the basis of overall quality and how much they had impact on our lives.So if any of your personal favourites are not included please let me know in the comments

10. The Pursuit of Happyness

The Pursuit Of  Happyness is a 2006 American biographical drama movie directed by Gabriele Muccino. The film features Will Smith as Chris Gardner and Will's son Jaden Smith as Chris's son.
The movie is equally inspirational and emotional as salesman Chris goes through many problems of his life at the same time. The father son bonding is shown beautifully in the movie. The struggle of being jobless and homeless is a thing we can really relate to.
At the end Chris does get a job and the realistic performance of Will Smith's holding tears,  makes us shed a tear.  

9.Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a underrated masterpiece of the romance genre. Released in 2004, the movie features Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet in lead roles. Its hard to catch up on the story at first as the story is told in a nonlinear pattern and is told in flashbacks, but once you've finished the movie you can understand this gem of a movie.
The movie follows a couple. Joel(played by Jim Carrey) is the introvert and shy person who considers himself as "boring".On the other hand Clementine(played by Kate Winslet) is a very talkative and moody person.Things start to go downhill when their relationship doesn't work out and they decide to erase the memories they had with each other.
Eternal Sunshine on the Spotless mind is a perfect blend of comedy, romance-drama and science fiction.Every single moment is a comedic gem but also at the same time makes you to think about serious life decisions. 

8. 3 Idiots

3 Idiots is a 2009 Indian comedy-drama film directed by Rajkumar Hirani. 3 Idiots is shown from the perspective of Engineering students of India. The movie is told from the viewpoint of Farhan Qureshi, an Engineering student who aspires to be an wildlife photographer. Ranchhoddas/Phunsukh Wangdu, is played by Aamir khan and is the main character here.
All the details about this movie is impossible to tell here(cause there are too many) but the movie definitely gives you some life lessons that will remain with you forever. The comedic scenes are truly unparalleled and such class is rarely seen in Bollywood movies. 3 Idiots does have some unnecessary romance sequences but that do not cut short to its glory. The movie also gives you some lessons about meaning of true friendships. You'll laugh hysterically at one moment but right after that you may have to shed a tear. That makes 3 Idiots an emotional roller coaster.

7. The Green Mile

The Green Mile is a 1999 American fantasy-drama movie based on Stephen King's novel of the same name. The Green Mile is greatly considered as one of the most emotional movies ever made and this is a movie that will certainly make you cry no matter how tough you are.
Events of this took place in the "Green Mile" prison where inmates are electrocuted to death.The story begins when John Coffey(played by Michael Clarke Duncan) arrives at the prison and starts to show his supernatural power of healing officer Paul Edgecomb(played by Tom Hanks). After witnessing certain events the officers become quite sure that John was falsely accused and the tragic climax of the movie will surely leave you in tears.

6. La Vita È Bella

La Vita È Bella, widely known as "Life Is Beautiful" is a 1997 Italian comedy drama film directed by Roberto Benigni. The movie also stars Roberto Benigni as Guido who is the main protagonist of the movie.
The movie is in two halves. The first half of the movie is purely romance-comedy. The movie genuinely makes us laugh with its smart script writing and very natural performances. The first half can be described as a typical love story. The man falls in love with a lovely young lady, they run away together and decide to marry each other and they have a baby.
However things take a dark turn in the next half. The family is taken to a jewish concentration camp as world war 2 breaks out. Now this is the part where the movie shines to its glory. The movie still manages to keep a lighter tone but it doesn't shy away from showing the traumatic events of holocaust.
In the end the movie finishes with a very powerful message that a father can do literally anything for his child even if that costs him his life.

5. The Dark Knight 

2008's The Dark Knight, directed by Christopher Nolan needs no introduction. The Dark Knight is considered as the greatest comic book superhero movie ever made, but it is even more than that.The Dark Knight is a cinematic masterpiece. The journey begins as the caped crusader (played by Christian Bale) teams up with detective Gordon (played by Gary Oldman) to hunt the notorious clown prince of crime. The Dark Knight is packed with suspense and plot twists. Heath Ledger won an academy award for the role of best supporting character for joker. The Dark Knight is undoubtedly the best of the comic book genre even today and the climax of the movie is one of the best.

4. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest 

One flew over the cuckoo's nest may be film from 1970's but that doesn't necessarily mean it should be neglected. Jack Nicholson delivers one of the best performances in his career as he plays the role of Randall Patrick Mcmurphy in this movie.
The movie is about the lives of mentally unstable patients in a psychiatric hospital. Nurse Ratchet is the head nurse of that department who strictly believes in her own principles and follows rules no matter what the situation is.Things starts to change when Randall comes to the hospital and attempts to upset the established order. The collision of two different ideologies is shown with pure perfection and the realistic performances of the other cast members make the movie a classic masterpiece.

3. The Shawshank Redemption

The Shawshank Redemption is a 1994 American prison movie. Its not just a prison movie but it is THE best prison movie ever made. With a rating of 9.3, The Shawshank Redemption is the highest rated movie in IMDB even today.
Directed by Frank Darabont the movie stars Tim Robbins as Andy Dufresne, a vice manager of a bank who is falsely accused of murdering of his wife and her lover. Andy is sentenced to life imprisonment and he is delivered to the Shawshank prison. There he meets Red (played by Morgan Freeman) and they grow fond of each other. Warden Norton is the main antagonist of this movie. Andy gains his trust and starts to do paperwork for him but things take turn when Andy finds out about the corrupt nature of the warden.
The Shawshank Redemption focuses on the life of prisoners like no other film. It also brings out the trouble they face after leaving prison.Ultimately this is a movie about hope. Watch it yourself and realise that there still can be hope no matter how dark the situations may seem

2. Forrest Gump 

"The world will never be the same once you've seen it through the eyes of  Forrest Gump".
Forrest Gump is a 1994 blockbuster American comedy-drama movie staring Tom Hanks. Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump, gave the best performance of his career. The movie is about a man named Forrest Gump who has an below average IQ but he succeeds to achieve everything a man can dream of. The movie comes with not only one but several very important life lessons. The movie is also filled with many iconic quotes such as "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get".

1.Schindler's List 

Schindler's List is a 1993 American historical drama film directed by Steven Spielberg based on the novel "Schindler's Ark" by Thomas Keneally. Now Schindler's List is certainly the most important movie ever made if not the best. The screenplay, direction, cinematography and acting is definitely up to the mark. From all the areas the movie seems absolutely perfect. The whole movie was shot in black white to show the brutality and horrors of the infamous event of holocaust. The story is about German Industrialist Oskar Schindler who rises to become the ultimate hero as he saves the lives of more than a thousand Jews whose descendants are now known as Schindler Jews.
This movie features Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes and Ben Kingsley in the lead characters. Although it is not a horror movie but the experience is quite chilling. At some points the movie becomes so disturbing and depressing that only few can watch it a second time.